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Sri Wahyuni, 330142220004. Research Title: "Hajj Savings Marketing Strategy at BNI Syariah Bank".BNI Syariah's marketing strategy in marketing the iB Hasanah savings product refers to two patterns of intensification pattern in which these efforts are made to customers who have already used BNI Syariah products, but BNI Syariah sells them to the closest relatives of the customers and the extensification pattern in which these efforts conducted to customers in other banks that also have high potential for funding in BNI Syariah. The application in marketing the product of Tabungan iB Hasanah in general use the marketing mix 4P theory which includes process (process), people (people or marketing target), product (product), price (place), promotion.
Key word: marketing strategy,  marketing manajement, hajj Savings.


SUGENG PRAYITNO - Effect of SWOT Analysis On Gold Pawn By Using Akad Rahn (Case Study At Bank Syariah Mandiri Bekasi Branch)

Each study must have goals and objectives that will be used as guidelines for the study in accordance with what has been planned ie the purpose of research. The purpose of this study will be conducted this is to determine whether there is a strong influence between the SWOT Analysis on the Golden Pawn by Using Akad Rahn

To know the effect of SWOT Analysis on Gold Pawn for this final project is by observation and interview to the customer and employees of PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri. Of all the steps and steps that have been implemented by researchers, of course researchers want to obtain the end result of the study. The final result expected in this research is can give picture or evaluation for PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri in the opportunity to compete in the banking world.

Keywords: SWOT Analysis, Sharia Gold Pawn, Akad Rahn, Bank Syariah Mandiri.


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